We promised you a trip, didn’t we?
We are taking you to Krapina Neanderthal Museum (Muzej krapinskih neandertalaca)!
Krapina is a small town in northern Croatia best known for, well, Neanderthals. In 1899. Dragutin Gorjanović-Kramberger started excavating the site also known as Hušnjakovo Hill where he found numerous faunal remains, as well as stone tools and Neanderthal remains. In fact, the largest known Neanderthal bone assemblage comes from Krapina! The finds are between 120,000 and 130,000 years old.
Apart from these remarkable finds, today’s museum represents a true architectural treat. The building is fully immersed in the surrounding landscape and the facade is coated with Miocene yellow sand. A natural stream springs in front of the museum and visitors cross it while entering the building. By crossing it we begin our journey to the distant past. A large glass facade of the museum reflects the surrounding forest and as passing through the mirror we enter a different reality. And that in only the outside!
Anyway, we are very excited, we hope you are too!